world animal daay

Mission of World Animal Day

Do you know what the mission of World Animal Day is?

To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. Building the celebration of World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals.  It’s celebrated in different ways in every country, irrespective of nationality, religion, faith or political ideology.  Through increased awareness and education we can create a world where animals are always recognised as sentient beings and full regard is always paid to their welfare.

How many selfies do you take every week?  In the months and weeks leading up to 4 October each year, we’re asking you to take a few extra photos to help promote World Animal Day and raise the status of animals around the globe.

You can play a very important role by sharing your #worldanimalday selfies with friends on social media and with us. Sharing selfies will help tremendously to raise global awareness of World Animal Day and encourage participation in celebrating this special date. Please ask your friends to do the same!

During the months leading up to World Animal Day:

  1. Print a Get Involved in World Animal Day poster – 210 x 297mm





And on World Animal Day:

  1. Print a Happy World Animal Day Selfie Poster – with or without a pledge – 210x297mm.  Please select one of the following Happy#WorldAnimalDay posters:






2. Take a selfie with your poster – the more creative the better – and share far and wide across all your social media channels using the #WorldAnimalDay

3. Email it to for publication on our social media platforms.

Please print in colour if you can otherwise black and white is fine. If you don’t have a printer, please open the poster on a phone or tablet screen and hold it up while you take a photo!

Please note: You must be happy to have your photo shared on social media belonging to World Animal Day HQ, Naturewatch Foundation and other reputable organisations affiliated with us. 

Thank you for snapping a selfie for animals – we look forward to receiving your photos!

For more information please visit the official website

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